No hidden costs or registration fees. No extra fees. All lesson fees are due on the first of every month, and you can cancel anytime.
What Students & Parents Are Saying
“I would like to extend to you a personal thank you for being a terrific mentor, coach, teacher and role model to [our son]. The study tools you have given him extend to all aspects of his life.
This past year we have really enjoyed watching [our son] transform as a person, and we are grateful for your influence on him.”
Wes. F (parent), Canada
"The recital was a good experience - thank you for putting this together. I feel inspired [to play guitar]."
Margaret H. (student), Canada
“I am grateful for your exceptional mentorship and teaching. You are dedicated to equipping your students with skills, discipline, and lessons that apply to all facets of life. Thank you for your patience and encouragement, as well as your passion for teaching!”
Julianne C. (student), Canada
“Our son loves his lessons and they have done wonders for his mental health as well. Thank you for all that you do!”
Britta W. (parent), USA
Sanel's Approach
Customized Learning: Personalized classical guitar lessons to match your skill level and musical preferences.
​Skilled Teacher: Learn from experienced guitarist with a deep understanding of classical guitar technique.
Flexible and Convenient: Discover the flexibility of online classical guitar lessons, customized to align with your lifestyle.
Sanel's Classical Guitar Credentials & Awards
Grade 8 Practical and Advanced Harmony
Royal Conservatory Of Music (RCM), Toronto, Canada
Teacher Certificate of Recognition | Gold Medal Award in Preparatory Guitar (Student Achieved)
2021 The Royal Conservatory of Music
Teacher Certificate of Recognition | Gold Medal Award in Preparatory Guitar (Student Achieved)
2020 The Royal Conservatory of Music
Teacher Certificate of Recognition | Gold Medalist in Level 3 Guitar (Student Achieved)
2018 The Royal Conservatory of Music
Teacher Certificate of Recognition | Gold Medal Award in Preparatory Guitar (Student Achieved)
2016 The Royal Conservatory of Music
Gold Certificate | Classical Guitar – Contemporary / Modern Composers
Mar. 2009 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival
First Place | Classical Guitar Solo – Romantic
Sep. 2008 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival
First Place Certificate | Provincial National Classical Guitar Solo
Jan. 2008 Alberta Music Festival Association
First Place | Classical Guitar – Contemporary / Modern Composers
Mar. 2007 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival
Second Place Certificate | Provincial National Classical Guitar Solo – Senior
Jan. 2007 Alberta Music Festival Association
First Place | Classical Guitar – Contemporary / Modern Composers
Mar. 2006 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival
Second Place | Classical Guitar Solo – Bach Transcriptions
Mar. 2005 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival
Second Place | Classical Guitar Solo – Romantic
Mar. 2005 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival
Second Place | Classical Guitar Solo – Classical
Mar. 2004 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival